Mrs Brown's Boys
Only Fools and Horses
i was watching the beverly hillbillies the other night and i have to say, the writing and the acting was terrific!.
another classic is all in the family.
loved that show!.
Mrs Brown's Boys
Only Fools and Horses
i was watching one of alun williams videos on youtube.
i was a subscriber to his channel, that is until he blocked me completely due to one comment i made on his video watchtoweralert1---homosexuality.
mind you this was the only comment i have ever made to any of his videos, most vids are your typical ex-jw info but he is now making videos specifically about the bible, one being about homosexuality, although still an ex-jw he appears to be still carrying a lot of jw luggage, for one he has just false propheticed the end, and he spoke against same sex intercourse.. being youtube he is entitled to do what ever he wants on is channel, however youtube is also place for discussion and debates and in no way was my post worth blocking, and being an ex-jw i expected him to know better.. what i posted was - i much rather see those outside the org, but really if you want to play that card you have a lot to answer for, for one circular reasoning.
This guy's comment on the bit where where Lot says, "hey I've got a couple of daughters who are still virgins - take
them and do whatever you want," is, hospitality was paramount in those days. Hospitality? Take my daughters?
This story tells us something about morality? No, it doesn't.
looking at the charity commission website in the uk, there is a charity 275946 - the kingdom hall trust.. http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/showcharity/registerofcharities/charitywithoutpartb.aspx?registeredcharitynumber=275946&subsidiarynumber=0.
its activity is:.
acting as custodian trustee holding title to freehold and leasehold properties acquired as places of worship for congregations of jehovah's witnesses in england and wales.. what does it mean to "act as custodian trustee holding title to freehold and leasehold properties"?.
Oops! I just noticed a mistake in my previous post. That next-to-the-last sentence should read ...could not just turn their church... Hope that makes a bit more sense!
looking at the charity commission website in the uk, there is a charity 275946 - the kingdom hall trust.. http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/showcharity/registerofcharities/charitywithoutpartb.aspx?registeredcharitynumber=275946&subsidiarynumber=0.
its activity is:.
acting as custodian trustee holding title to freehold and leasehold properties acquired as places of worship for congregations of jehovah's witnesses in england and wales.. what does it mean to "act as custodian trustee holding title to freehold and leasehold properties"?.
This is the same as the legal ownership of all Methodist churches - and probably lots of others as well - in the UK. This is a requirement of Charity law which means that the buildings of registered charities are owned on an appropriate legal basis. That is, in this manner with local Managing Trustees and central Custodian Trustees, or possibly by the formation of a limited company (which can be a pain in the butt). It means that if a building is sold the proceeds can only be used in accordance with the stated charitable aims of the registered charity. So the local trustees can't just decide to sell up and pocket the cash, or give their building away to a different denomination.
So if an entire congregation decide to defect from the Methodists to the JWs they could just turn their church into a kingdom hall. And if the local JWs all became catholics or whatever, they couldn't turn their KH into a church.
i posted this on another thread and am pasting it here to start a new one because i would be interested in getting others' thoughts on it.. there has been a downward spiral in the quality of the written publications since the death of fred franz in december 1992. whatever else can be said about franz, the man did have some education and his writing was of good quality.
others in the writing department also had some skill and command of language that gave cogency to their work.
but since franz's death, a huge leadership vacuum has opened in the wts.
Interesting observations there, Quendi. Several years ago when I did a major research project on WT doctrine, I noticed a similar thing following the death of Russell. Misguided though he was, Russell was at least a highly intelligent man and his writings hung together very well. The whole system which he constructed fit together as a coherent whole and, given his premises, his arguments could be seen as very compelling.
When Rutherford took over and handed the patch-up job following the failure of 1914 to Woodworth and Fisher (The Finished Mystery) it was immediately clear that these guys simply didn't have a clue how to apply the basic presmises. Rutherford also was pretty clueless and relied heavily on blustering and bullying tactics.
I didn't observe a return to anything like the standard of writing Russell had set in the books of Fred Franz, and at least once he appeared to have forgotten what he had written earlier on a topic. (Can't say what that was off the top ofmy head - I'd have to look it up. Will if anyone wants me to.) There was a bit of an improvement with some of the reference books like Equipped for Every Good Work, All Scripture is Inspired and the Bible dictionary. But it was extremely conservative scholarship adapted to WT ends.
So the downturn which you observe, Quendi, fits a trend which began with the death of Russell. And the Rutherfordesque bullying of the rank and file into unquestioning acceptance of the oracles of the Wise Old Men can only serve to ensure that this trend will continue.
Rob Crompton
ending a sentence in a proposition can get a guy slapped a who bunch of times.. conjugating stuff should only be done in a proper marriage.. a split infinity leads to babies.. gerunds are little animals certain movie stars put in places where the sun don't shine.. transitive refers to people who live under bridges.. intransitive refers to people who live in houses.. double life imprisonment is a compound sentence for really bad guys.. a compound/complex sentence is almost the same thing, but the judge was on drugs and didn't have a clue when he issued it.. parsing a sentence should only be performed by people who don't have a clue what they are doing.. an example of a propositional phrase is "hey babe!
your place or mine?".
alliteration is what happens when a whole bunch of people toss garbage out of their car windows on the highway.. punctuation is what every 14 year old boy wants to do to every 14 year old girl and every other female on the planet for that matter.. using a semi-colon in a sentence is the same thing as using a period, except it isn't.. using a colon is something best done in private.. most people, use commas, way too much, and this, should be, avoided, however.. exclamation marks should be used sparingly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
"All teachers of the English language are insane."
Wonder if that should read: "All teachers of the English language are in Spain."
I only ask cos my son is a teacher of English and he lives in Spain.
what with the very low baptism rate, many leaving, many waking up and staying in for now, but not "zealous" any more, the wt/jw religion/scam is without doubt moribund.. i do not foresee a sudden end to the wt but what will it look llike in ten years time ??.
the late teens/early twenty year olds of today will i think be very thin on the ground as 30 year old jw's, so my view is that in ten years time it will be mainly old hardcore ones ,50 yr old and up, and even they will be aware that the org.
is dying..
I suspect it is heading back to a situation similar to the post-1916 era which saw lots of groups secede en masse. For a long time this was virtually impossible because of the isolationist policy and disfellowhipping, but the internet has enabled communication between ex-Jws on an unpecedented scale. A few more fiascos like the Conti case and the Sparlock PR gaffe and the time will be ripe for the formation of breakaway groups to form without moving very far from the core WT doctrines.
let's assume that there are about 20 ,000,000 armageddon survivors (baptised jw's and their children), after just 30 years every survivor will be sexually mature and with increased vigour and health.
chemical contraception, condoms, i.u.d's etc will all be long gone so any married couple with a normal sex-drive will be producing children at an average rate of about 1 per year.
world population at the beginning of the 20th century was less than 1.5 billion.
As I recall from many years ago, the belief was that Armageddon survivors would repopulate the earth and that human child-bearing would cease when there was just enough room left to accommodate those to be resurrected. I remember the JW marriage service in which the vows contained, after, "...until parted by death," the additional, "...or until divine termination of the marital arrangement." Basically you reach the point where you are a tip-top perfect, healthy and fit permanent twentyfive-year-old and from then on it's no more nookie. That's paradise, folks. Life's too wonderful to pass on to the next generation - let's keep it to ourselves.
I think I met Sparlock whilst on holiday in Cheshire last week. I'm sure it was Sparlock - tell me what you think: http://snigsfoot.blogspot.com
well, i got a brand new bovine valve, june 21 was the date.
three hour surgery,no other problems.
four day stay in the hospital was the plan,however, i caught a body rash and had to be held over for four more days.
Hey, that's good news! I had heart surgery eighteen years ago and I'm still celebrating new life.